So you’ve finally done it— you’ve moved out on your own and gotten your very first apartment. It’s beautiful, it’s liberating, and it’s… empty. Turns out, creating a home for yourself requires more than just securing four walls, a floor, and a roof over your head. But don’t fret—decorating your apartment can actually be a lot of fun, and it provides you with a great opportunity to make your new home truly your own. For those who don’t have a decorative bone in their body, we’ve compiled an apartment decorating style guide to help you get started.
Round & Round We Go
Creating a full, well-rounded decorative motif in your apartment is all about varying shapes. Most things in your apartment are rectangular—the walls, the windows, the doors, the layouts of the rooms—so a great way to balance out all of these right angles is to make good use of circular and ovoid pieces. Opting for a round coffee table, some curvy club chairs, and a sofa with roll arms instead of square arms would be a great start. You can also choose a round area rug to add some circular dimension to the space. Or, if your space would better accommodate a rectangular rug, opt for one with spirals or a circular pattern on it to help soften the room.
Keep ‘Em Separated
Many smaller apartments—especially studios—have open concept layouts. While this is not a bad thing in and of itself, when all of these different areas of your apartment (kitchen, living area, bedroom, etc.) bleed together, your apartment can end up feeling cluttered and claustrophobic. To avoid this, make sure you are carefully delineating separate spaces for different functions. For instance, rather than putting your sofa against a wall, float it in such a way that it acts as a boundary between your living room area and your kitchen area. Use a dressing screen to cordon off your bed from the rest of your living space and create the illusion of a separate room. Using a different area rug in each of these sections of your apartment can also help to achieve the look of separate room-like areas.
Lighten Up, Will Ya?
It’s the oldest trick in the book, but it’s so effective that it bears repeating—using lighter colors can make a space feel bigger, brighter, and more open. While this trick is often used when selecting a color for wall paint, the same tactic extends to furniture, drapes, rugs, and other home decor. Opt for whitewashed or blonde-colored wood furniture, especially pieces made with glass elements, such as shelves or a glass-top coffee table. Moreover, strategically placed mirrors can help create an illusion of depth while also reflecting back some of your light colors, making your apartment feel even brighter and more spacious.
Learn More
We hope that the aforementioned tips will help you turn your apartment at One 51 Place into a comfortable and stylish home that you and your family will enjoy for many years to come. Contact us today to learn more about renting an apartment at One 51 Place in Alachua, Florida, or feel free to stop by our leasing office.