Do you know the proper way to store the produce you buy? For many people, buying produce can be a source of frustration because it spoils or wilts so quickly. So, they either don’t buy produce or buy only a little at a time, and wind up needing to make a trip to the grocery store a few times a week, which can be time-consuming. Understanding how to correctly store the produce you buy can help to ease this frustration. By properly storing your produce in your apartment’s kitchen, your fruits and vegetables will retain their freshness for a longer period of time, saving you time, money, and hassle.
Here is a handy list of places to store different types of produce in your apartment in Alachua, Florida:
• Store in the coldest refrigerator drawer – apples, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, celery, kale, onions, and strawberries
• Store on the fridge shelf – Cucumbers, grapefruit, lemons, and oranges
• Store at room temperature – avocados, garlic, potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, peaches, pears, and plums
Now that you know the proper way to store your produce, this should help your fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer, easing your frustration and saving you time and money!
If you are not a resident of One 51 Place, contact us today or stop by our leasing office to take a tour. Our apartments are equipped with upscale features, such as nine-foot ceilings with crown molding, walk-in closets, oversized maple and oak kitchen cabinets, and modern appliances such as glass-top stoves and large 18-cubic-foot refrigerators with icemakers. What’s more, our residents have access to a variety of wonderful amenities, including a surround-sound theater, spacious clubhouse, community pool, and air-conditioned full-sized indoor basketball court.