No matter one’s age or background, many people feel the ill effects of stress on a regular basis. In fact, 22 percent of Americans reported feelings of extreme or severe stress in 2011, according to the American Psychological Association. However, there are handful of techniques that people can perform to help manage, reduce, and, in some cases, even prevent stress altogether.
Here are some of the best ways to reduce stress right from your One 51 Place apartment in Alachua, FL:
First, accept that there are events that are out of your control. Worrying about these kinds of things will only lead to unnecessary stress.
Try to keep an upbeat attitude.
Manage your time as best you can. By allotting plenty of time in advance to get things done, you can eliminate the stress associated with last-minute rushes.
Take short breaks to cool down and do something you enjoy. Sporadic 15 minute breaks to do something you love can actually help you to accomplish the task at hand with less stress.
Live a healthy lifestyle. Eating well-balanced meals and getting sufficient sleep will give your body what it needs to recover from long periods of stress.
No matter what physical shape a person is in, regular exercise is a great stress reliever. Even light exercise can increase the brain’s production of feel-good chemicals (endorphins), provide time for reflection and meditation, and boost self-confidence.
Seek out support by talking over stressful situations with friends and family. This can help to both put your stressor(s) into perspective and allow you determine your best possible course of action moving forward.
By using these tips on a regular basis, you will be better able to actively manage and reduce stress. At One 51 Place Apartment Homes, we strive to make our community a place where all of our residents can be comfortable and stress-free. To learn all about the many amenities that we offer, contact our leasing office or fill out a contact us form today.