Being more organized – both in an apartment and in day-to-day life – can be an ongoing struggle for most people. Clutter can build up in an apartment, emails go unanswered for months, and feeling frazzled is a daily emotion. If this sounds like your experience, finding balance and peace can feel like elusive qualities to have in your life. That’s why we’ve put together this list of three easy habits to incorporate into your everyday life to help you become more organized, which, in turn, will help you feel calmer and more at peace.
To become more organized on a daily basis, consider:
• Making your bed every morning. A made-up bed is the easiest way to make your bedroom feel tidy, and it take less than five minutes to complete.
• Using the Pomodoro Technique. When you need to be focused and at your most productive – whether this involves cleaning, responding to emails, or anything else – try the Pomodoro Technique, a productivity method that uses a timer to break down work into 25 minute increments, separated by short breaks, which are around 3-5 minutes in length.
• Identifying your top three tasks to complete each day. To-do lists can be a mile long and you may feel overwhelmed by all you have to do. And, sometimes, it’s just not possible to get it all done in one day. Instead, identify your three most important tasks to complete each day, and you’ll see your productivity soar and your stress levels decrease.
Our Alachua, Florida, apartments come in three professionally designed color schemes (beige, taupe, or grey), giving each home a unique look. If you’d like to take a personal tour of our community to view our apartments and to learn about the many wonderful amenities our residents enjoy, contact us today.