Taking your laundry to an offsite laundromat can quickly become exhausting. Instead of rewearing your dirty clothes, make this process of doing laundry easier with the following tips:
Have More Than One Laundry Hamper
Most people have one dirty laundry hamper. While this organization method works for people with an onsite washer and dryer, it’s not so beneficial for renters who have to travel to a laundromat. For these renters, we suggest having more than one laundry hamper that can easily be disassembled for traveling purposes. Each hamper should have a purpose. For example, one can be for lights, another for darks, and a final one for sheets/towels.
Plan Laundry Days
Once you have your laundry hamper system planned out, scheduling laundry days will be super easy to do. Whether you opt to take a longer day to wash and dry both darks and lights or you separate your schedule per hamper, having a routine will help you prioritize your time.
Stop Buying Hand-Wash Only Items
If you find that you collect a lot of hand-wash only items, it might be time to consider pressing the pause button and becoming more mindful when purchasing certain fabrics for your closet or home. These items are difficult to clean and can complicate what’s already an inconvenient chore.
Contact One 51 Place today to learn more about our apartment complex in Alachua, FL. And visit our blog for more apartment-friendly tips and tricks—you don’t want to miss them!